How To Buy A Great Used Car

By on December 1, 2016


You say you would never be a sucker for those used cars that truly suck. But most used cars that have chronic problems aren’t easy to spot. They’re dressed up, advertised well, and sold by those who know the truth when it comes to the American consumer.


Most folks out there will fall in love first, and then “Buy with their eyes.” Others will see visions of a potential supercar. As I mentioned you wouldn’t be able to tell that some of the best looking cars are problematic. Similiarly, some of the ugly ducklings could be the ones to turn into swans. A popular reason for buying used cars is to do them up, buying Car parts online, and create something out of nothing. A nice litte project really.

I have bought thousands of used cars as a car dealer, and sold tens of thousands more as an auto auctioneer, and you know what? I get to see thousands of nice looking cars that are rolling money pits.

Every… single… week…


Used cars are a brutal vicious market for those that choose to simply believe in their fellow man. Too many sellers are unwilling to be truthful, and too few buyers take that deeper dive to find out that hidden truth.


I could tell you about used cars that would make public transportation seem like the only sensible option. Tales of stitched together death traps that looked as new as the day both cars were born. Cars with supposedly clean registration papers that turned out to be hotter than my home state of Georgia in mid-August.

Instead, I’m going to tell you how to buy a used car without getting taken to the cleaners.

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